

Krupa Ann Mathew ’24 MPH is one of only three students in the country to receive the Vivian Drenckhahn Student Scholarship from the 公共卫生教育学会(SOPHE). 她是第四位获得该奖项的战马, 该组织授予学生的最高荣誉之一是什么.


作者:Renee Chmiel,营销与传播办公室

Krupa Ann Mathew ' 24 MPH是第四位获得该奖项的充电器.

As a Charger, Krupa Ann Mathew ’24 MPH developed as a mental health researcher and an advocate. She’s passionate about helping to identify gaps in mental health providers’ knowledge and skills while also finding practical solutions to help improve the lives of those struggling with mental health challenges. 为马修, her last semester as a Charger was particularly memorable: She received the prestigious Vivian Drenckhahn Student Scholarship from the 公共卫生教育学会(SOPHE).

Mathew was preparing to present her research when she found out she’d received the award. 起初,她说这个消息让她大吃一惊. She describes it as a moment in which you "have to pinch yourself to believe it’s real." But soon, she says, her astonishment gave way to gratitude, and she was excited.

“被选为这个奖项是一种难以置信的认可,马修说, 大学的新毕业生 公共卫生硕士课程. "It's a testament to the impact and relevance of the research I've been dedicated to. This recognition shows that my voice matters and that my work is making a difference. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of advocating for mental health awareness and the need for improved screening and care."

Krupa Ann Mathew ’24 MPH was recognized as part of SOPHE’s national convention.
Krupa Ann Mathew ’24 MPH was recognized as part of SOPHE’s national convention.

Mathew is one of only three students in the country to receive this prestigious award, 她接受了在圣. 路易. 她是 第四位获得这项奖学金的战马人.

“这种承认意义深远, as it fuels my passion and dedication to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation,马修说. “这个奖项不仅仅是个人的成就, it's a validation of the collective effort and commitment of everyone involved in this crucial research."


马修在全国各地展示了她的研究,包括在 Society of Behavioral Medicine’s 46th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions这是一个在旧金山举行的学术会议. She also attended the Connecticut Association of School-Based 健康 Centers annual conference, 在哪里 she and her classmate Sanmit Jindal ’24 MPH gathered data for their research focused on the readiness to screen eating disorders and mental health disorders in adolescent populations 通过康涅狄格州的学校健康中心.

马修把她作为大学的研究员的经历归功于 WeEmbody实验室 帮助她成为一名研究人员和倡导者. 她得到的指导,尤其是她的导师 Alvin Tran, Sc.D.,英里/小时 – helped her build her skills while also developing a deep sense of responsibility, as well as a commitment to making a meaningful impact in her field and on society as a whole.

克鲁帕·安·马修(Krupa Ann Mathew)时速24英里(中间). 路易
克鲁帕·安·马修(Krupa Ann Mathew)时速24英里(中间). 路易.

weembodiment实验室主任. Tran says Mathew has demonstrated her dedication to serving others – both at the University and beyond. He says he is very proud of her commitment and of all she has accomplished as a Charger.

"The Vivian Drenckhahn Student Scholarship is one of the highest honors a student can receive from the Society for Public 健康 Education,”医生说。. Tran. "Krupa has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting inclusion across our campus and in the health education field.

除了她的杰出成就, 克鲁帕积极参与众多研究项目, including a study that aims to improve mental health screening and care at school-based health clinics across Connecticut,他接着说. "她是 surely deserving of this recognition from one of the nation's leading organizations of health educators."


马修很感激她所拥有的改变世界的机会. 作为一名成员 University’s Justice, Equity, 多样性, and 包容 (JEDI) student ambassadors program, she connected with individuals who share her passion for public health as well as diversity, 股本, 和包容. An advocate for health 股本, she has found that her passions are closely connected.

虽然她说她很荣幸能获得这个奖项, Mathew remains focused on her mission to help foster a more equitable and inclusive society. 她认为还有很多工作要做, 她希望继续站在推动变革的最前沿.

"My goal is to remain active, productive, and to continuously strive to learn and evolve," she said. “当我继续这段旅程, 我希望能激励其他人和我一起做出改变, 因为在一起, we can create a world 在哪里 everyone's voice is heard and 在哪里 everyone belongs. 最终, 我的目标是确保每个人都得到公平和平等的待遇, 她们的声音不仅被听到,而且被重视."